Thursday, November 26, 2009

Aapko Pata Hai..

मम्मी बीज कैसे बनता है, मुझे नही पता... 

बीज ऐसे बनता है.. पहले मिट्टी होती है, पानी होता है, हवा होती है और वो सारी मिक्स हो जाती है... उसके बाद वो एक बीज बन जाते है.. ( There is a sand, water and air they make seed by mixing)

आप मुझे क्यूँ पूछ रहे हो.. ऐसे ही.. So now a days he has answers and shares with me also.. It is fun to converse with Siddharth...   

Last weekend was spend at Punjab.. On the way i saw cottonseed plants ,we stopped the car and went near to the plant.. Siddharth was excited to see and wondering how come a cotton grows on plants.. 

Siddharth in the fields of cotton at Punjab

We pluck one flower so that he can share in the class, below is the version of sharing... 

यह cotton का प्लांट है.. मैं जब अपनी नानी के घर गया थे, मैने रास्ते में यह देखा.. यह ऐसा एक प्लांट है, जो तोड़ने के बाद भी उग जाता है.. ( it is a cotton plant, i plucked it on the way to my nanny house, this is the only plant which grows after plucking also) 

Since we plucked a bud, and it converted into a flower after plucking.. which we didn't notice and Siddharth made a good observation.. 

The class teacher has kept the cotton plant in the school. to use again for the winter theme... and Siddharth is very glad .. Making me think again.. 

आपको पता है....