Thursday, February 14, 2013

Valentine's Day 2013

Love means care, love is when a father just want to be there for his daughter. Love is when a father wants to play football and watch movie with his son. Love is when a daughter hears the sound of the laptop bag of her father and she leaves her toys and runs for him. Love is when a mom leaves her job just to be with her kids. Love is when a husband waits for his wife at the restaurant and orders food when she arrives. Love is when a son tells his mom, you dont pick heavy bags till the time your report comes to normal. Love is when a little sister is going to fall and she calls for her big brother name. 

Love is not sending flowers or cake, love is to take care of each other as a family. Today is valentine and i am glad we spend this day together as a family..
Happy Valentine to Siddharth and Reet!!