Siddharth's summer holiday started since a week back he has got school home work which is very different from the school home work we did during our summer holiday.. as below
- Go with your mama and papa for a cycling in the morning
- collect leaves, stones etc from the places u visit
- count the no of rooms, fans etc at your home and make a note in your holiday booklet
- Observe shape and colours
- notice things which are soft, rough and smooth..
I read this page to siddharth and by evening he has noticed that my skin is soft and mama's skin is hard.. dari is rough ... it is a real fun even i am feeling like to be a child again.. specially when siddharth talks creative things, yesterday when i was reading a concept about gravity to him he said mama kitna achaa hota na agar space niche hota aur gravity upar hum sab astranaut hote..