Now a days it is so much of fun to have little conversation with you. Your questions are filled with curiosity and mostly you have your own answer to your question, which I love hearing from you. At age of 35 months you could talk in full sentences. I remember your first full sentence was Reet is wearing shoes. I love the way you say your own name in the conversation.
You have learned to express your needs, sorrow, happiness and joy through words/ sentences now. We speak in three languages at home, and you can communicate one full sentence in one language. Here is some record of few conversations we had.
You: Mumma what is this.
Me: You tell.
You: This is a Drum
Me: Reet this is a guitar
You: This is a drum guitar and after some time you say this is a guitar with a twink in your eyes.
You: Mumma what are you doing?
Me: I am cooking vegetable
you: Oh vegetable wow!!
You: She wants to touch a dog.
Me: How Reet
You: I do not know
# On the way to the car I do not like to sit in a car seat
# On seeing your father driving, पापा गाड़ी चला रहे है
# You sing Jingle bells on seeing Santa made with lights.
# Your father bought some dresses and you asked innocently can I try?
# You are riding a scooter in a shop and to my surprise you left it by saying to yourself I cannot take scooter.
# Reet is crying.
# You cannot see me upset like your brother, you come immediately to me and ask me Mama what happened and then you say mama I am sorry.
# And when you do not know how to do something you say in a very cute voice. मुझे नही पता कैसे चलते है
# You
love wearing dresses and on that I will write a new post. Whenever I
wear cloths for work you come to me and appreciate by saying wow nice
# You close the door of the room, when you do something which you know that you should not be doing. Most of the time it is when you are using my cream and lipstick.
We all are in love with you, love with your innocence, and love the way you shower so much of unconditional love. Sometimes I see my reflection in you and feel so proud and scared at same time. I pray that you do not grow up as honest with your thoughts as me. I pray that you should be more smarter than me.