Wednesday, June 04, 2014

First post at Chennai!!

When I clicked this picture, I never thought it will be used for this post of mine. This poster was made by Siddharth and his classmates at his school in Gurgaon on graduation day of class 4. I specified location Gurgaon, as I have moved to Chennai along with children. Moved on to a life of more peace and calm, moved on to new life, new phone, new car and a new dream to convert into reality. 

Chennai, everybody was scared that it is so hot here and how will we survive. Reet color will go black, how will you manage with new language and how will you manage alone. I was determined to come here. What has made me so determine to come and start life all over again, whether it was my ability to take up new challenges, or I was looking for a dramatic change in my current life, or I was seeing this opportunity as a dream opportunity for life. I will have all answers soon as I always believe we can only connect dots backwards. No one has seen future, I can only make my present beautiful and that will take care of my past and future both. 

Its been fifteen days that we have come here and it seems like I was always here only. All the cartons were moved out empty in three days, house is all set. Still I cannot remember places for different things, that time I miss my home at Gurgaon a lot. Struggle to find my things makes me feel sick. Since yesterday I am trying to find my Trifla Churan and office stamp. I miss my plants at Gurgaon, I miss my friends. 

There are so many challenges we are facing in terms of finding vegetables of our choice, newspaper we like, kind of food we are use to eating. But I am very happy taking this decision of my life, not even a single challenge making me feel that why I have come from simple settled life to make life settle again. 

All friends and relative from all over world and cheering me for this bold decision of  my life, some are comparing me with great people from real world. I do not think that I have done something great, I am just following my dream and intuition. I do not know any other way of living life so I decided to move on from land of paranthas to land of dosas. I wish and dream for a happy and great life for myself and my children here!!

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